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In order to access the FuncexData you must fill out a registration form. Please, complete the form below with your personal data. After completion, your data will be recorded in our system and you´ll receive an email with your  registration confirmation, your username and a password for exclusive access.





Job title:

Functional/position title (eg. Analyst or Business Specialist):

Company/Organization name:

Activity/Type of Organization:
Please select one or more of the categories which best apply to you/your organization/your company



ZIP Code:

Telefone: +55 (21) 2509-7000

Fundação Centro de Estudos do Comércio Exterior - FUNCEX
Av. General Justo, 171 | 8º andar | Centro | Rio de Janeiro - RJ | 20.021-130
CNPJ: 42.580.266/0001-09
All Rights Reserved © 2010 - FUNCEX - Política de Privacidade